Nene - Denver Nuggets
Leandro Barbosa - Phoenix Suns
Julius Hodge - Denver Nuggets
Louis Williams - Philadelphia 76ers
DeSagana Diop - Dallas Mavericks 
Boneface NDong - Los Angeles Clippers
Devin Green - Los Angeles Lakers
Mile Ilic - New Jersey Nets
Tarence Kinsey-Memphis Grizzlies 
JR Bremer - Professional International
Mike Gansey-Professional International
Trevor Huffman-Professional International
Velimir Radinovic-Professional International
Romeo Agustine-Professional International
Modibo Niakate-Professional International
Damon Stringer-Professional China
Rashaun Freeman- Memphis Grizzlies 
Barbara Turner -UCONN
Brianne Kenneally-YSU
Molly Patterson-Colgate
Semeka Randall-Seattle /WNBA
Lyndsey Maurer-St. Bonaventure

Due to N.C.A.A. rules and regulations we are unable to explicitly mention the names of current undergraduate collegiate athletes that have trained under our guidance.

Speed Strength Systems consistently trains the top blue-chip college prospects from the north-east Ohio area. Many of these athletes have gone on to sign division one scholarships at many top schools across the nation.