Athlete’s Testimonials

“I come here to get a great workout and stay in shape.”
~ Nate Clements - San Francisco 49ers 2005 Pro Bowl Selection

“Tim and his staff have an incredible amount of knowledge and information regarding the training of basketball players and athletes in general. They really know how to get you to your peak conditioning level in preparation for an upcoming season or combine.”
~ JR Bremer - Boston Celtics

“I spend my off-season training at Speed Strength because I can count on their training team to get me ready for the rigors of an NFL season.”
~ Tony Fisher - St Louis Rams RB

“Tim and his staff was the difference in my selection as the seventh overall pick in the draft! Coming from Brazil, I never realized how many different methods of training can be utilized to increase speed, strength, jumping ability, etc.”
~ Nenê - Denver Nuggets - 7th pick in the 2002 NBA Draft

"2004 was my best season as a pro. It's no coincidence that 2004 was also my first off-season spent at Speed Strength!"
~ London Fletcher Wahington Redskins. 6 - time leading tackler for St. Louis Rams/Buffalo Bills & Super Bowl Champion in 99'
“The training Tim Robertson provided me for the 2009 NFL Combine/Pro Day was what I expected: comprehensive, individualized and intense. The “Rocky” mentality of the facility and his experience training other pro athletes prepared me for my pro-day where I ran the fastest short shuttle time in the draft. Ultimately, my goal of getting drafted was accomplished. I recommend Speed Strength and Tim Robertson to any football player who wants to get better.”
~ Julian Edelman
"The training techniques taught by Tim and Speed Strength have helped me tremendously over the past 5 years. Along with performance enhancement, injury preventive exercises play a major part in every workout. The personal attention given coupled with a competitive workout environment is second to none."
~ Steve Cargile, NFL Safety
“I have trained with Tim and Speed Strength for the last 2 off-seasons. As a professional pitcher, there are certain things I need accomplished before Spring Training. The training he provided me was great and unique. I reached some unbelievable strength, flexibility and conditioning levels, specifically my throwing velocity and baseball performance improved. Most importantly I remained injury free each season and contribute much of that to my off-season training.”
~ Chris Carpenter, Pitcher Chicago Cubs (3rd round draft pick)
“The training I did with Tim greatly prepared me for this season. It was intense but very effective. I felt the strongest and more prepared than ever before. I recommend training with Tim and Speed Strength to any athlete who wants to get better.”
~ Kyle Smith, Pitcher Cleveland Indians Baseball Club
“Tim helped me become a better athlete and pitcher. With his training, I increased my strength, throwing velocity and speed. I am in the best shape of my life.”
~ John Pokorny, Pitcher Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club
"Tim Robertson has developed and incredible training system for athletes at Speed Strength. Following his prescribed nutrition plan and training program helped me reach my goal of being drafted into the NFL."
~ Jameson Konz 2010 Combine :7th round draft pick. NFL Seattle Seahawks
“There is not a more appropriate name for the facility that Tim runs than "Speed Strength". I never ran as fast (4.5), jumped as high (37 1/2 in.) or worked as efficiently as I did while working with Tim. He is a very knowledgeable person and because of that wealth of knowledge, you come away not only physically superior than you were before but also mentally superior than you were.”
~ Marcellus Bowman 2010 Combine, CFL Winnepeg Bluebombers
“Working with Speed Strength with Tim Roberts has been a blessing in itself. I have made major gains in a short period of time. I have dropped my forty and added inches to my vertical and broad jump. I will be back for future off season training . Speed strength is one of, if not the best facilities to train at pre combine or off season. People lie, Numbers and Results don't. Thank you Tim!”
~ Lindsey Witten 2010 NFL Combine
“I have been training with Tim for over 5 years and find the workouts very beneficial to my athletic development. I have noticed major increases in my speed, power, and ability to change direction on the football field. Additionally Tim’s methods of training for the NFL Combine and Pro Day training provided me with the best opportunity perform at my highest levels, with me ultimately getting drafted in the 3rd round. I recommend Tim and Speed Strength to any athlete who wants to be their best.”
~ Mario Manningham, WR NY Giants. 2008 NFL Combine
“Since I have been working with Tim, I have noticed a significant improvement in every area of my fitness. It all starts with Tim's passion about helping me achieve my goals. Along with that desire, his knowledge in fitness training has no limit. As a result, my tennis results have improved tremendously since I began training with Tim. I strongly believe that I would not be able achieve the accomplishments on the court without Tim and his expertise. Very few people in this profession possess the capabilities of helping an athlete in the same way that Tim has helped me. I feel very fortunate to be working with Tim, and I look forward to continuous improvement with Tim's guidance. Thanks for all your help!”
~ Mike Rubin - Professional Tennis Player

“I have the highest regard for Speed Strength Systems from both a professional and personal level. As a physician who is very involved in Sports Medicine, I have a great appreciation for modern, sophisticated techniques used by the staff to ensure, in a safe way, that each athlete is able to come as close as possible to reaching his or her potential. The methodology used is state of the art, and the staff is highly skilled, very friendly and approachable. On a personal level, I have seen my son make fantastic strides in the past year. He has markedly improved his speed, strength, and most importantly, his confidence, which has helped him immeasurably not only on the basketball court, but also in the classroom. I will always be indebted to Speed Strength Systems, not only for the wonderful program they offer, but for the personal attention and interest they have shown my son and all of the other student athletes that train at Speed Strength Systems”
~ Dr. Alan H. Rosenthal, M.D.
“The John Carroll University Men's Basketball team has been training with Speed Strength for over 6 year's. I have witnessed significant improvements in overall team speed, quickness, conditioning, and athleticism. Since starting the off-season training program in 2001, I credit part of our success in winning 3 regular season OAC Championships, 2 OAC Tournament Championships, 3 times selected to the NCAA Div. III tournament, and 1 appearance to the NCAA Div. III "Final Four", to the program Tim and his staff provides for us.”
~ Mike Moran, Head Basketball Coach John Carroll University